We believe a great story is most powerful way to share our culture with the World. Where there is division, a story will bond; where there is exclusion, a story will connect, bring understanding and build awareness. That is why we love deep meaningful stories that help us make sense of our surroundings and strengthen our communities.
A powerful story engages our curiosity, emotions and imagination, and ultimately lives on to inspire us. It shows our collective struggles and emotions that run deep of love and ideals that ignite our spirit. We believe in the power of films to help reframes paradoxes, share common values and promote understanding between cultures.
If you have a GREAT STORY to tell, EMAX STUDIOS is waiting to hear from you

US release date: 27 September 2018
Director: David Blue Garcia
Principal cast: Patrick Mackie, Roland Uribe, Mayra Leal
Official Link:

US release date: 16 August 2019
Director: Johannes Roberts
Principal cast: Sophie Nélisse, Corinne Foxx, Brianner Tiu
Official Link: